If for any reason, something goes wrong when you go to vote, YOU CAN STILL FILE A PROVISIONAL BALLOT, WHICH WILL BE COUNTED IF YOU ARE REGISTERED, EVEN IF YOU REGISTER ON ELECTION DAY!Even if you are not registered to vote LA County, but are eligible to vote here, you can still vote at any Vote Center in LA County. Poll workers at the Vote Center will help you.
You do not have to show any ID in order to vote provisionally.
For more information from the LA County Registrar’s Office on Provisional Voting, visit CLICK HERE.
Once completed, a provisional ballot is placed in a pink envelope and secured for processing. Provisional ballots are counted after Election Officials have confirmed the validity of the voter’s registration and that the voter did not already vote in the election. Your vote will be counted if:
The county elections official can verify that you are, in fact, registered to vote and
You have not already voted
If you go to a precinct other than the one you are assigned, only the votes for the candidates and measures on which you were entitled to vote in your assigned precinct will be counted.
Past election records show that on average 85-90% of provisional ballots are valid and counted.
You have a right to know if your vote was counted, and if not, why it was not counted. Keep your voting receipt number.
Voters in LA County can check the status of their ballot online, 30 days after the election with LA County’s Provisional Ballot Status Look-Up Tool. To look up your provisional ballot status, you will need to know:
Your last name
Your birthdate
Your house number (Just the house number of your residence, the street name is not needed)
Voters who do not have computer access can call: (800) 815-2666, option 2 or (800) 841-8683.