Join the Club!

Lets beat Trump again together!  Band with your fellow Democrats.  Join the Malibu Democratic Club.  It’s local, convenient, and one of the easiest  and most fun ways to take back the US House of Representatives this November.  So join us.   We look forward to meeting you at our next meeting or event. 

Dues are only:

Family:   $45

Individual: $ 30

Seniors (65 and older):  $25.

Student:  $ 15

To Join the Club:

  1.  Email us the information requested below to (This information is required by law for all donations received.)  and
  2. Pay your membership dues either online by CLICKING HERE, or by mailing your check to THE MALIBU DEMOCRATIC CLUB, PO BOX 4058, Malibu, CA 90265.

First Name _________________________________________________________

Last Name _________________________________________________________

Email:  _____________________________________________________________

Phone ______________________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________

City ________________________________________________________________

State _______________________________________________________________

Zipcode ____________________________________________________________

Occupation (Employment information is required by federal law.)


Employer __________________________________________________________

Registered Democrat?    Yes_____   No  ___

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