Spring Hike with Jacqui Irwin, and Lunch

April 30, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Zuma Canyon Trailhead
Parking Lot at the end of Bonsall Drive
Gina Muscatel or Hap Henry
(805) 402-3908‬
Spring Hike with Jacqui Irwin, and Lunch @ Zuma Canyon Trailhead
You are cordially invited to
a Springtime Hike with
our State Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin
on Sunday, April 30, 11 am,
at the Zuma Canyon Trailhead.
Following the hike, at 1:00 pm, join us for
a Springtime Lunch
at the Malibu Brewing Company,
at the Trancas Country Mart.
The hike begins at 11:00 am at the Zuma Canyon Trailhead Parking Lot off Bonsall Drive. Lunch begins at 1:00 pm at the Malibu Brewing Company at the Trancas Country Mart. (Each person responsible for their own tab.) You’re welcome to attend one or both activities. After such a long, rainy winter, come enjoy and celebrate our beautiful spring weather with friends and neighbors.
The hike is the rescheduled hike from March 11, which was postponed due to weather. If you signed up for the March 11 hike, you’ll need to RSVP again for this one. Assemblymember Irwin will be able to join us for the hike, but not the lunch, this time. This hike is considered easy to moderate. However, hiking paths are not paved and nature hikes inherently involve risk. Hiking is at your own risk. You know best your abilities and limitations.
When you RSVP, please specify whether you are coming to the Hike, the Lunch or Both.
More Info Below.