If you are willing and interested in volunteering, please email us, at info@malibudemocraticclub.org
Let’s beat Trump again together! Band with your fellow Democrats in the Malibu Democratic Club. It’s local, convenient, and one of the easiest and most fun ways to help take back the US House of Representatives this November.
The Club’s goal is to serve, support and empower our local Democratic Community. We can only do that with the help of 2 things: volunteers and donations. The more volunteers we have, the more we can do and the better we can serve you and the community.
Whether you have 15 minutes or 15 hours a month you can donate, we welcome and need it all. Whatever your talent and interest, we are sure we can put it to good use on something you will enjoy.
To give you an idea of the wide range of things we do, and things that need coverage, here is a list of Malibu Democratic Club Committees:
- Forwards comments and communications from website to appropriate board members for response. If necessary, posts President’s Letter each month, news items, and newsletter. Must have working knowledge of graphics and familiarity with PC as well as Mac platforms. Must be a good speller and writer.
- Works with President to support and supplement work of each of the above committees.
- Establishes a set of goals and priorities for the year ahead and establishing timeline on what activities will be done during each month as a way of attaining the yearly goal.
- Maintains an updated roster of club members (available from Treasurer), setting up a membership table at club events and distributing membership registration materials and club information to people who come to the events. Learning to use the LACDP voter registration system so that proper outreach materials can be distributed to potential club members.
- Works with the Voter Registration Committee to receive information on new Democrats recently registered in our Club’s recruitment area.
- Works with the a communications/graphics specialist to produce appropriate outreach materials.
- Keeps membership records and recording names of new members as they become members. Follow up with these new members on a regular basis (every three- to six months) to determine in what ways the person can become engaged in club activities.
- Works with Programming Committee chair to prganize outreach efforts to Democrats within the community and develop fun and innovative issue-oriented programs designed to engage the community and attract new members.
- Participates in community events and distribute Democratic Club literature at the events that are attended.
- Delivers a membership report at each board meeting.
- The Finance and Audit Committee consists of a minimum of two and maximum of four members of the Executive Board, and will include the Treasurer and other members to be appointed by the Board and will prepare an annual budget for the MDC for the fiscal year and will audit the MDC bank statements and copies of all checks periodically to determine how the MDC has spent funds over the past year or years.
- Works with Events Committee, Membership Committee, Program Committee, Newsletter and Brochures Committee, Voter Registration Committee, and Young Democrats Outreach Committee to and club president to establish a budget for the coming year.
- Reviews the work of the treasurer on a monthly basis to make sure that all proper state and federal forms have been filed.
- Assures that moneys obtained via memberships and fees for meetings have been properly recorded, that reimbursements have occurred in a timely manner, that the treasury retains an adequate balance to pay club bills and to finance activities that have been set out in the yearly budget, goals, and agenda.
- Works with the Membership Committee, the Program Committee, and the Events Committee to provide support to programs which add to the Dem Club Treasury, and also suggests and assists in planning strictly fund-raising activities, such as Issue-oriented Poetry, Photography, and Art Shows with awards (and entry fees.)
- Works with Democratic candidates to set up debates, endorsement-related activities, educational forums.
- Works with President and board members to plan and execute club elections and make sure all procedures are followed properly
- Brings proposed plans to the board for approval on date and type of program prior to making concrete plans pertaining to the special guests, the program, and the date.
- Works with ad hoc hospitality committees to make food and seating arrangements as well as do clean-up at event sites.
- Works with outreach committee to obtain results of local surveys that determine the interests of Democrats in the area we serve.
- Keeps a list of issues important to residents of Malibu.
- Establishes programs based on interests of Malibu residents.
- Works with committee chairs to collect articles and photos for monthly newsletter. Lays out and distributes monthly newsletter. Works with Website chair to publish newsletters online.
- Works with LACDP and L.A. County Registrar as well as U.S. Department of Immigration to get names of new American citizens in our area, approach them, and give them Democratic Party information. Sign them up to Malibu Democratic Club
- Partners with counterparts at other local clubs to participate in phone banking and other activities related to getting Democrats to the polls on election day, or getting them to participate in early voting.
- Keeps track of major proposed legislation in Sacramento and Washington that will affect Malibu area residents and, in a broader sense, all Americans who cherish and are affected by Democratic ideals. Makes monthly reports to the board (on these bills, measures, initiatives and other proposals). Provides a brief summary as an attachment in the minutes.
- Works with Events Committee to set up proper procedures for events related to elections and endorsements
- Hand-in-hand with Events Committee, works with offices of candidates and electeds to schedule fundraisers, informational forums, and other activities.
- Works with survey/political consultant to survey Democrats in the Malibu area in order to determine which issues are of interest to local Democrats, and which will be good topics for monthly issues forums and discussions.
Reviews the Bylaws as needed with a view to keeping them updated and writing amendments into them to enable them to best fulfill the MDC mission statement.