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“Spring Awakening” at Malibu High School @ Malibu High School
Feb 10 @ 5:00 pm

Malibu High School Theatre Musical Production

“Spring Awakening“, the winner of eight Tony Awards, including Best Musical, is an angsty rock musical adaptation told by Duncan Sheik and Steven Sater based on the seminal play by Frank Wedekind. Set in late 19th century Germany, the story is about the trials and tribulations of growing up. It explores the journey from adolescence to adulthood with a poignancy and passion that is illuminating and unforgettable. This landmark musical is an electrifying fusion of morality, sexuality and rock and roll that has exhilarated audiences across the nation like no other musical in years.
*This show is PG14: Explicit Content and Language

Originally scheduled to take place on Nov. 15-17, 2018, the performance was postponed due to the Woolsey Fire.  Finally rescheduled, the performances on Feb. 2 and 3 have been cancelled due to heavy rains forecasted in the weather.

However, the show must and will go on!  Carry on, MHS!  We’ll be there!

Ticket Prices:
General $25
Students/Senior $15

Show Times

(Please not discrepancy between poster and show times.  Explanation above.)

Saturday, Feb. 1, 7 pm (sales ended)

Sunday, Feb. 10, 5pm


Malibu City Community Meeting on the Woolsey Fire @ Malibu City Hall, 1st Floor
Feb 12 @ 6:30 pm
Malibu City Community Meeting on the Woolsey Fire @ Malibu City Hall, 1st Floor | Malibu | California | United States

Malibu Mayor Pro Tem Karen Farrer and Councilmember Mikke Pierson, Chairs of the Council’s Disaster Response and Recovery Ad Hoc Committee, are holding their first public community meeting this Saturday, February 12, 6:30 PM at Malibu City Hall (23835 Stuart Ranch Rd., Malibu CA 90265).  (This meeting was originally scheduled for Feb. 2, but was rescheduled due to heavy rain and road closures in Malibu on that day.)  All are welcome to attend and share their stories, ideas and insights and ask questions with the goal of understanding the Woolsey Fire disaster and helping the community and the City be better prepared for future disasters.

Anyone unable to attend the meeting on February 2 may send stories, ideas, insights and questions to the Ad Hoc Committee by email to RecoveryAdHoc@MalibuCity.org. This new dedicated email address is exclusively accessible by the Committee Chairs. Farrer and Pierson invite all community members to use it to communicate with the Ad Hoc Committee at any time.

New FEMA & SBA Deadlines – Feb. 15 – Register ASAP!
Feb 15 all-day
New FEMA & SBA Deadlines - Feb. 15 - Register ASAP!
FEMA and SBA have extended their deadlines to register for these programs until February 15.

You have to register to be considered for eligibility for FEMA and SBA Programs, including Cal OAS Debris and Lot Clearance.

FEMA advises people to register if your home was destroyed, or in any way damaged (including smoke and ash damage), to be sure you are eligible for help if it turns out you need it.   Better to register and not need it, than need it and not be registered.  To be safe, register!

You can register for FEMA on line, at www.DisasterAssistance.gov.  If you have any questions or need assistance, call Malibu City Hall for more info, 310-456-2489.
Ted Lieu with Rabbi Sarah Bassim on Gun Violence Prevention @ Temple Emanuel
Feb 17 @ 12:30 pm
Ted Lieu with Rabbi Sarah Bassim on Gun Violence Prevention @ Temple Emanuel

Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills and Writers Bloc Present: Congressman Ted Lieu on Gun Violence Prevention–FREE TO THE PUBLIC.  RSVP here. 

February 17, 2019, 12:30pm. RSVP here. At Temple Emanuel, 8844 Burton Way Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Parking available on local streets and in the Temple’s reserved parking garage located at the corner of Burton Way and Herzl Way.

Gun violence prevention is not an issue for Democrats or Republicans, but it is one for all of us. Legislation for gun violence reform has become a call to action for members of all communities.

As more faith-based communities feel vulnerable, is there a relationship between gun access and hate crimes? What legislation can we anticipate in the current congress on these issues?

Join us for this free event, open to the public and hear from Representative Ted Lieu (CA-D), who has been a passionate advocate for sensible gun violence reform. In conversation with Rabbi Sarah Bassin of Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills. Seating is limited. RSVP here.

This event is FREE to the public.

Presented with the Jewish Center for Justice and the California Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism.

Malibu Democratic Club Board Meeting @ Home of Ted Vaill
Feb 19 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Malibu Democratic Club Board Meeting @ Home of Ted Vaill

February Monthly Board meeting.

Open to all Malibu Democratic Club members and Democrats.

Please RSVP to:  Info@MalibuDemocraticClub.org

Address provided upon rsvp.

Meet Presidential Candidate Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) @ Home of Sarah Timberman & Ed Redlich
Feb 21 @ 8:00 pm
Meet Presidential Candidate Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) @ Home of Sarah Timberman & Ed Redlich

Meet + Greet
Democratic Presidential Candidate

RSVP: Jentwelve@gmail.com

Come to this unique opportunity to meet one of the Democratic Presidential candidates face-to-face, and hear what a successful progressive Democrat from the midwest – the critical battleground state of Ohio – thinks is way to win back the White House in 2020.

This past November, Senator Sherrod Brown, a progressive/populist Democrat from Ohio, won a 3rd term in a state that President Trump claimed by eight points in 2016. In his victory speech, Mr. Brown said his re-election was proof that a progressive agenda could gain traction in the 2020 election.

One after another, the Democratic candidates in Ohio fell.  Brown was the only major Democrat to win a statewide seat in Ohio.

Sydney Ember of the New York Times reported on Nov. 15, 2018:

“Let our country — let our nation’s citizens, our Democratic Party, my fellow elected officials all over the country — let them all cast their eyes towards the heartland,” Mr. Brown said from the stage, dispelling the sense of disappointment that had begun to descend.

Then, his gravelly voice rasping out a crescendo, he made it clear where he thought his party could forge its path to success: his triumphant campaign, he said, was the “blueprint for America for 2020.” The revelers roared.

For more info on Sherrod Brown:  See This Atlantic Monthly Article.

Navy Ship at Malibu Pier This Week-end @ Malibu Pier
Feb 22 – Feb 25 all-day
Navy Ship at Malibu Pier This Week-end @ Malibu Pier

Malibu Navy Days Feb. 22-25.

Public Ceremony Feb. 22, 1:30 pm, at the Pier.

A Navy warship will anchor off the historic Malibu Pier from Feb. 22-25, in celebration of the second annual Malibu Navy Days.  The ship will anchor on Friday and depart Monday.

Join the City of Malibu, Pepperdine University, the Malibu Navy League, and the Malibu Chamber of Commerce in welcoming the the Navy ship anchored off the iconic Malibu Pier and help celebrate the Navy and over 200 enlisted sailors who will come ashore to visit Malibu during Malibu’s Navy Days, February 22- 25, 2019.

The public and the media are invited to welcome the ship and sailors at the Welcome to Malibu ceremony and press conference on Friday, February 22, 1:30 PM on the pier. 

Malibu individuals and businesses are encouraged to welcome and thank the Navy personnel (and their families) for their service to our country as they visit Malibu during their shore leave throughout the weekend.  In addition, Navy personnel will be serving the community through service projects during their stay.

No public tours of the ship will be available, but there will be plenty of photo opportunities for visitors.  The ship will be visible to visitors from the Pier and the shore for photo opportunities during its stay.

Malibu welcomes and salutes our sailors!

Testify at the LA County Woolsey Fire 1st “Listening Session” @ Pepperdine U, Elkins Auditorium
Feb 23 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Testify at the LA County Woolsey Fire 1st "Listening Session" @ Pepperdine U, Elkins Auditorium

LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl and a task force of more than two dozen county, city, state, and federal agency and community leaders will be present during two public Listening Sessions on February 23 and March 3 to hear from residents affected by the Woolsey Fire.

The Public Listening Sessions will be held on February 23 and March 3 to capture the experiences of residents affected by the Woolsey Fire. In December, the LA County Board of Supervisors approved a comprehensive review of the Wolsey Fire response and recovery. The motion asked for a specific assessment about emergency notification and procedures, strategic communications during the fire and its aftermath, and community repopulation notification and procedures.

The public testimony during the Listening Sessions will inform the report being prepared by LA County, so that it can accurately reflect the experiences of those most affected, and gather recommendations for improvements that could be put into place for every stage of such a wildfire. LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl and a Task Force of more than two dozen community leaders will be present during the Sessions to listen to the public testimony.

The Listening Sessions will be held on Saturday, February 23rd from 10am-3pm in Malibu at Elkins Auditorium at Pepperdine University, and Sunday, March 3rd from 10am-3pm at King Gillette Ranch.

The Woolsey Fire, a fast-moving brush fire that was 14 miles wide, with a footprint of 150 square miles, and driven by gusts of up to 70 mph, was the most destructive fire L.A. County has ever seen. It moved from the 101 Freeway to the Pacific Ocean in just five hours. Seventy thousand homes, businesses, and other structures lay in the fire’s path, and a quarter of a million people were evacuated.

The Promise of Prefab – Myths & Realities @ Malibu Library Conference Room
Feb 24 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
This workshop is designed to inform and educate Woolsey Fire victims about prefab design and off-site construction options. The objective of this event is to create vision for people who have never considered the possibilities of prefab.
Malibu Film Society Oscar Watch Party @ MFS Screening Room
Feb 24 @ 4:30 pm
Malibu Film Society Oscar Watch Party @ MFS Screening Room
(Attendance only in the event of no shows.)

Watch Hollywood’s Big Night on our 21′ big screen! This event is open to the whole community; just be sure to make your reservations no later than Tuesday 2/19 as that’s our deadline for catering.

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: discounted non-member and member guest tickets can be purchased by visiting www.MalibuFilmSociety.org. 

Cost: $ 125 per person.

Day-of-show tickets must be purchased at the door.

Discounts not available for non-members.

Free on-site parking, or along PCH.