Dear Neighbors, Friends & Fellow Democrats,
While we are disturbed by the number of Americans who decided to cast their votes for President-elect Donald Trump over Vice President Kamala Harris this year, we remain encouraged by the enthusiasm and hard work performed by dedicated volunteers within our Malibu community and across the nation to help elect Democrats. The fight continues onward, and we are prepared to do our part to defend the inhabitants, institutions, and interests of the United States and our allies abroad.
This election cycle, over one hundred volunteers from Malibu hand-wrote over ten thousand postcards, called hundreds of thousands of voters, canvassed across neighboring battleground congressional districts and swing states to knock on many additional thousands of doors, and helped raise over one million dollars for Democratic candidates. Additionally, Malibu Democrats spent hundreds of hours speaking directly with voters and distributing voter registration forms and election information on Sundays at the Malibu Farmers Market.
Congratulations to Malibu’s U.S. Representative Brad Sherman (CA-32), California State Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (AD-42), our newly-elected U.S. Senator Adam Schiff, Congressmember-elect George Whitesides (CA-27), and all other victorious candidates who voters entrusted with the great responsibility of representing our shared values and accomplishing our common goals. We look forward to continuing to work with Sen. Schiff, Rep. Sherman, Asm. Irwin, and our other elected officials to address ongoing local issues such as improving PCH and public safety, strengthening fire prevention and response, and protecting our environment and open spaces.
Locally, while county election officials will continue to count votes until the end of the month, Bruce Silverstein, Steve Uhring, and Haylynn Conrad currently lead the field of Malibu City Council candidates. We thank each of the candidates who participated in our Malibu Democratic Club forum in October, congratulate the to-be-certified winners, and trust that they will each do their best to serve Malibu. We also congratulate the committee supporting our local school facilities bond, Measure MM, which appears to have passed.
We extend our gratitude to President Joe Biden, California’s own Vice President Kamala Harris, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, and all of the Democratic candidates and grassroots volunteers across the country for their service and commitment to defending democracy. Faced against candidates promoting hate, division, and falsehoods, history will remember that Democrats stood on the side of justice, unity, and truth.
We especially thank our partners at Grassroots Democrats HQ and Westside Democratic HQ for all of the incredible work that they do, and for consistently supporting our volunteer efforts in Malibu.
If you are feeling afraid or vulnerable in the aftermath of this election for any reason, please know that we at the Malibu Democratic Club are here to foster community, support those at risk and in need, and provide information on other helpful resources and organizations.
We will continue to host monthly Board meetings and organize regular events throughout non-election years, and invite you to join the club or renew your annual membership to support our ongoing efforts to be of service while fighting to protect our democracy, our rights, and our freedoms. We will soon resume our monthly hikes and gatherings to more closely unite our Malibu Democratic community, and continue to send out periodic email updates highlighting upcoming events and other useful information.
We wish you joy over the final months of 2024 and during whichever holidays you choose to observe and celebrate.
In solidarity & with gratitude,
Gina Muscatel, Co-President, Malibu Democratic Club
Hap Henry, Co-President, Malibu Democratic Club
Marilyn Green, Volunteer Chair, Malibu Democratic Club
Annual General Membership Meeting
Sunday, March 21, 2021, 1:00 – 2:30 pm
with Special Guest & Special Announcement from
CA Assembly Member, Richard Bloom
1. Welcome/Call To Order
2. President’s Remarks : Where We’ve Been and What Lies Ahead
- Treasurer’s Report
- Updated Bylaws
- Nomination of Board and Officers
Slate Recommended by the Nominating Committee:
- President: Jane Albrecht
- Vice-President: Lance Simmens
- Vice-President: Ted Vaill
- Vice-President: Lou La Monte
- Treasurer: David Kramer
- Secretary: Ted Vaill
- Board Member: Dianne Landau
- Board Member: Garen Kosoyan
- Board Member: Bill Swartout
- Election of Board and Officers
- Conversation With Members: Thoughts, Issues, What Members Would Like to See From the Club.
8. Other Business
9. Adjournment
Recommended “After-Party”
Join Us at 3:00 pm for
This is an annual, delightful event where we can thank Ted for all his hard work and great service. Ted will also have some very timely updates for us from Washington this year, on everything from the impeachment to the Covid Relief Bill and the very important bill (H.R.1)s on corruption, voter protection and gerrymandering.
*Note: Zoom Link Will Be Emailed to You 48 Hours Before the Party
3:00 PM – Sponsors Zoom In
3:30 PM – Party Begins for All

This is an annual, delightful event at the start of spring, where we can thank Ted for all his hard work and great service. Ted will also have some very timely updates for us from Washington this year, on everything from the impeachment to the Covid Relief Bill and the very important bill (H.R.1) on corruption, voter protection and gerrymandering.
Suggested Donation Levels:
$ 50 – Special Admission for Democratic Club Members
$ 100 – Guest
$ 500 – Silver Sponsor
$ 1000 – Gold Sponsor
$ 2900 – Platinum Sponsor
$ 5800 – Maximum Sponsor
You are cordially invited to
a Springtime Hike with
our State Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin
on Sunday, April 30, 11 am,
at the Zuma Canyon Trailhead.
Following the hike, at 1:00 pm, join us for
a Springtime Lunch
at the Malibu Brewing Company,
at the Trancas Country Mart.
The hike begins at 11:00 am at the Zuma Canyon Trailhead Parking Lot off Bonsall Drive. Lunch begins at 1:00 pm at the Malibu Brewing Company at the Trancas Country Mart. (Each person responsible for their own tab.) You’re welcome to attend one or both activities. After such a long, rainy winter, come enjoy and celebrate our beautiful spring weather with friends and neighbors.
The hike is the rescheduled hike from March 11, which was postponed due to weather. If you signed up for the March 11 hike, you’ll need to RSVP again for this one. Assemblymember Irwin will be able to join us for the hike, but not the lunch, this time. This hike is considered easy to moderate. However, hiking paths are not paved and nature hikes inherently involve risk. Hiking is at your own risk. You know best your abilities and limitations.
When you RSVP, please specify whether you are coming to the Hike, the Lunch or Both.
More Info Below.
You’re invited to
The 2023 Malibu State of the City Address.
Santa Monica College, Malibu Campus, 23555 Civic Center Way, Malibu, CA
Wednesday, May 3, 10AM – 12:30 pm
It’s recommended that you arrive by 9:30 am. There will be seating in the main chamber, and an overflow room with a live-feed screen.
To register, go to the Chamber’s Website, Then, follow the red banner across the page to register for the State of the City Address. Follow the prompts through until you a confirmation page for your registration pops us.
Inside seating is limited. Reception to follow.
Guests of Honor and Features Speakers
LA County Supervisor, 3rd District
Mayor of Malibu
City Manager
Associate Dean, Santa Monica College
Malibu Lost Hills Sheriff Station
23555 Civic Center Way Malibu CA 90265
Tickets: Complimentary, seating is limited in the main hall, but there will be an overflow room to watch on screen, and then a reception after for everyone who registers.
Malibu on the Rocks
Balancing Ownership Rights With Environmental Concerns
Hosted by The Malibu Association of Realtors
5:00p-7:30p Reception followed by Live Event
5PM-5:45: Arrive early and enjoy a hosted reception, lite fare and soft drinks catered by Jennios.
6P-7:30 Live Panel Presentation & Q&A
- Coastal Commissioner, Santa Barbara Councilperson, and Attorney, Meagan Harmon
- Joseph T. Edmiston, FAICP, Hon. ASLA Executive Director, Mountains Recreation Conservation Authority (MRCA)
- Smart Coast California Co-Founder, former Malibu Mayor, and Current City Councilman, Paul Grisanti
- Renowned Land Use Planning Consultant and Owners Rights Advocate, Don Schmitz, AICP
- Pacific Legal foundation President (TBA)
- Plaintiff, Right to an ADU vs Malibu City, Jason Riddick, Esq.
About The Event
A unique 90-minute live discussion featuring representatives of the California Coastal Commission, MRCA, Pacific Legal Foundation, Smart Coast California and Land Use Consultants, discussing the new Malibu ADU laws, managed retreat, changes to our LCP, and much more.
Have your questions answered about balancing environmental concerns with property owner and stakeholder’s rights in Malibu.
This one-of-a-kind, live event is sure to be informative. Arrive early for pre-event reception and seating.
Event Highlights
- Discover why Malibu is the ONLY city that did not design their own Local Coastal Plan and hear about proposed changes
- Hear directly from Joseph Edmiston, MRCA, and California Coastal Commissioner Meagan Harmon, about visions and plans for Malibu
- Learn about precedent setting ADU laws from plaintiff Jason Riddick, Esq
Come join fellow Democrats for an evening of food, fun, phone banking, and post card writing! RSVP HERE